The odds are pretty good that your website visitors are using mobile devices to view and interact with your website.
I am also sure that you want people to contact you in order to do business together.
Do you know what your Contact Us page looks like on mobile?
Do you know how many times that page is visited on mobile, or how many times your Contact Form is submitted on mobile?
One of my clients Blue Men Moving gets roughly 60% of their website traffic from mobile devices.
In June of 2017 they had 771 website visitors and 463 of them were on a mobile device.
273 of those mobile visitors went to the contact us page and 34 of them completed and submitted the form for a 12.4% conversion rate.
In the before image in this post you can see what the page looked like on mobile in June, on July 1 we made the changes you can see in the after graphic.
Here are the results from the changes we made.
In July 238 visitors went to the contact us page and 94 of them submitted the form for a 39.5% conversion rate.
The page conversion rate tripled and Contact Us form submissions went up 176% from 34 to 94!
So here are some some tips to improve your mobile Contact Us form submissions:
- Review what your Contact Us page looks like on mobile.
- Move the form to the top of the page.
- Don’t overdo the number of form fields.
- Write some copy on top of the form that says what will happen next and when you will respond to the form submission.
- Of course leave your phone number if applicable.
While I cannot promise these tips will work as effectively for all organizations, for those whose visitors want and need to connect with you, making the form and phone number first makes the most sense.