A B2B SEO Agency That Builds Your Brand and Drives Leads

K6 helps B2B companies drive leads into their sales team for follow-up and closure. If your website isn’t a sales lead engine today, it’s time to talk to our team about our sensible, proven approach to online marketing that can make a huge difference to your bottom line.

Your B2B SEO Strategy Starts with the Right Keywords

We begin every B2B SEO campaign with comprehensive keyword research to determine the best high-intent search terms that your target audience is using.

The buyer journey for a business-to-business sale is typically longer and more complex, and according to Google, business buyers do not contact suppliers directly until 57 percent of the purchase process is complete.

This means buyers are using search engines, social media and other digital tools to:

  • Form opinions
  • Learn technical specifications
  • Build requirements lists
  • Narrow down their options

Decision makers and influencers in B2B sales processes typically search on vendors or brands they already know, connect with people they know online to get advice, visit popular bloggers and social media influencers, or visit web forums and ask questions.

They also use search engines, like Google, to get insight on issues and questions they have. So everything starts with finding keywords with high search volume that your potential customers are using.

B2B SEO Strategy

Our SEO Technical Audit Provides a Foundation

If your website does not load quickly, is difficult to navigate, or doesn’t function well on a mobile device, it is most likely not going to rank well in the search engine results page.

We start by running an 89-point technical SEO audit that verifies all of the key components for SEO readiness. From there, we work with your web development team and hosting provider to correct as many issues as possible. A solid technical foundation is critical for success.

Helpful Content is the Key to SEO Success

Face the facts: people who have never heard of your brand are not interested in speaking to a sales person until they are confident that you can help them.

But how do they learn if your company is a potential answer to their needs? In the digital world, it’s all about helpful content. And Google has been pushing for website content writers to produce “helpful content” for many years now.

K6 develops helpful content for your B2B SEO campaign via the following strategies and tactics:

  • Keyword mapping to build a list of content topics associated with our targeted search terms
  • Research into questions and topic areas for which your potential customers are actually seeking answers
  • Development of an SEO Content calendar with specific topics, keyword focus, due dates and individual(s) responsible for the content
  • If needed, our SEO copy professionals can write all of the on-page copy for you, as well as optimize the content for final publication
Helpful Content is the Key to SEO Success
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