Helping Retail and Ecommerce Websites Rank Better For More Than 25 Years

K6 Digital Marketing helps B2C companies get more online sales via ecommerce SEO, and works with consumer and retail websites to grow their online businesses. If you are tired of watching the competition outrank and outgrow you, it’s time to give us a call.

To Gain More Online Sales, You Need the Right SEO Strategy

Consumers use search engines every day to find products they are interested in purchasing. But if you are not ranking near the top of Google’s search results page, your competitors are taking those customers.

It is very important to target customers correctly, targeting the keywords they are most likely using to find your products, and helping them decide to purchase from you:

High-Intent Search Terms – how closely does the keyword match an actual shopping attempt? Some people search on solutions rather than a product, in the hopes that they can accomplish a goal for free, or by themselves. We need to find the right keywords for your products, that actual buyers are using.

Product Descriptions – obviously you need to use important relevant keywords on your product pages and product names. But does the description also sell the product and present it in a way that helps the person decide to purchase? Remember that the more details you provide in your product descriptions, the better your chances of not just ranking higher – but getting a sale.

User-Friendly Experience – they say that “retail is detail”. This is especially true online, when competitors are a click away. We examine data to determine if your customers are engaging with your content and following a path to conversion, or if there is “friction” that is keeping them from making an online purchase.

Product Images – don’t underestimate the power of great photographs. Think about the way retailers showcase products in the physical world: they typically display the best looking product in a controlled lighting environment, such as a display case, along with calls to action that build excitement for the product. You should carry that same strategy to your online store. Get a professional photographer to take great pictures of your products with proper lighting and good angles.

Ecommerce Stores Need Great Content Too

Like every other SEO campaign, quality content should be part of your ecommerce seo strategy. After we build our target keywords, we develop supporting content into your site that is not only keyword-rich, but also attempts to answer questions your audience is actively asking.

Some of the content we might build for ecommerce SEO includes:

Highly Detailed Product Descriptions – we will make sure every product category and individual product includes rich detail that enables shoppers to make a decision for purchase.

FAQs – it helps to address as many questions as possible right in the product content. So, rather than a general “FAQ” page that attempts to capture general questions, we build specific product-level content right into the page. This content is not built entirely from our own imaginations, but rather comes from actual research into what questions people actually ask (via sites like Reddit, Quora and Google data).

Product Guides – these can take many forms, but product guides help the user learn how best to select and use your products for their situation.

Technical SEO is Extremely Important

Every ecommerce platform uses pretty complex technology. And stores with perhaps thousands of products are inevitably going to run into technical issues that can cause site architecture problems for Google’s crawler. Among them are:

Duplicate content – lots of product pages and product categories can lead to a lot of the same words and repetition. There’s a right and wrong way to handle this common issue.

Too many redirects – when products or categories change or are deleted, the tendency is to redirect the pages. This can begin to cause complex direct loops.

Overreliance on Javascript – it is sometimes simpler for the user to interact with a page by using slick interface widgets, such as sliders and drop downs. But all of this overhead can slow down pagespeed and increase load time.

Broken internal links – ecommerce sites tends to accumulate broken links when products are added, deleted or changed.

Page speed issues – ecommerce is a visual experience, so large image files, multiple product angles, heavy Javascript and ecommerce system plugins tend to cause the page to load slowly or not at all.

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