Helping You Make Sense of Search, Web Content and Online Advertising

Here are some kind folks we have helped over the years
marketing services

Who K6 Digital Marketing Has Helped

Our founder has been helping companies throughout the world make sense of digital marketing since 1996. Since then, our team has learned a lot of lessons as we have grown with the web. From the first websites built with Notepad and HTML tables, to Frontpage and early Content Management Systems, we have literally seen it all. We were there when Google began to dominate Search and then figured out to monetize their platform. We were there when Myspace was overtaken by Facebook and when LinkedIn wouldn’t let you connect with anyone you didn’t know.

Digital marketing can be confusing and overwhelming. We help you figure out a plan that makes sense for you, with flexible pricing and scope. That’s why we are ideal for companies from established family firms, to large corporations and high-tech startups.


B2B Companies

We work with many B2B companies across multiple industries, including manufacturing, distribution, services and technology.


B2C and Retail Companies

Consumer-facing retail companies are not just eCommerce sites. Many B2C companies are built around the lead generation and sales follow up model. K6 has experience in both.

web design

High Tech & SaaS Companies

We have worked with more than 40 high-technology firms in the last 5 years, both as part of a large marketing team or the entirety of it. We can leverage our knowledge and experience for you.

social media

Start-Up Companies

Every company begins as a start-up, and we understand what it’s like to be one of them. Besides the hard work and sacrifice, marketing a new company has the challenges of tight budgets, limited resources and high expectations. We can help.


Northeast Ohio Businesses

We were born here and we are based here, and we have helped hundreds of companies in the Cleveland/Akron Ohio area to build and expand their online presence.

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