Content and Web Design

Content Drives Design and User Action

cleveland web design

For most web designs, the design of a site is not the hard part. Modern web frameworks and content management systems have simplified the process of building attractive, professional websites that look great on all devices. Planning and writing content that sells your company and ranks well in search engines? That’s hard! And that’s where we come in.

Content Is at the Heart of Our Designs

Our web design services are actually content creation services. Because websites are content!

An underperforming website is likely failing because of weak content. Not only does your site need professionally written text, thoughtful graphics and rich media, it needs:

A thoughtful content plan that provides easy paths to the important information your customers are seeking
Content that has been optimized around specific keywords that your audience is actually using when they search
Website content that answers actual questions your target audience is asking
Effective calls to action that illicit responses when appropriate
Akron web design

According to Google, business buyers do not contact suppliers directly until 57 percent of the purchase process is complete.

People do not like talking to salespeople until they feel empowered enough to buy.

K6 will help you build a website that works harder. The goal is to get your company on the list of prospects your client is building. Does your current site do that? We can help!!

Business buyers use digital tools every day to get educated on purchase decisions. They do this many ways:

  • Search on vendors or brands they already know – we help get your brand or category into more minds!
  • Search generically on the issues they have – we build keyword-optimized text into your website so you rank higher in search engines!
  • Visit popular bloggers and social media influencers – we help build your authority and thought leadership!
  • Connect with people they know online to get advice – we can put your brand in front of the people who are most likely to buy from you!
  • Read popular review sites – we can monitor review sites, make recommendations and help drive traffic from these trusted sources!
  • Seek out videos to gain insight – we can produce video content that opens your brand to new audiences!

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